Sisa Pakari Cultural and Labor Center is a space for the defense of the Human Rights of the migrant people, for the expression and transmission of the ancestral heritage to the new generations. Sisa Pakari is a space that provides the tools for job performance in a safe, fair and dignified environment for the well-being of families.
Fanny Guadalupe Morocho
Originally from Cuenca - Ecuador, born in the El Vergel neighborhood, she grew up with her grandmother Agripina from whom she inherited her love for singing and dancing. Mother of 3 children Byron, Juan and MarÃa Paz; studied Sociology at the University of Cuenca, migrated to NY in 1996, is the main mentor of Sisa Pakari – Flor del Amanecer community space that emerged in 1998 independently with the celebration of the 1st Inti Raymi in Bryant Park, since that year has not stopped with its mission to transmit the Andean cultural legacy in New York for the migrant people and the new generations. Fanny has big dreams like traveling the world with the music and dance casts of Sisa Pakari.

Our Trajectory